$Id: README,v 1.9 2001/02/02 21:12:17 jeremy Exp $

Dhcpreg is a mechanism for adding/removing/checking host entries in dhcpd.conf file. This was born out of a desire to have a 'registered' dhcp system where all cable modem mac addresses were known to the system.

Help is available via " -h" and yields this:

Usage: command macaddr [username]

Commands are:

add macaddr username = add a new macaddr to the config file

rm macaddr = remove a macaddr from the config file

check macaddr = check to see if macaddr is in file

check --name username = check to see what macaddrs a name has registered is a hack to allow the additions of static CPE IP entries for the business class customers.

Its usage is:

Usage: command [username] [ipaddr]

Commands are:

add macaddr username ipaddr = add a new macaddr to the config file

rm macaddr = remove a macaddr from the config file

check macaddr = check to see if macaddr is in file

check --name username = check to see what macaddrs a name has registered is a quick util to check for all static customers accounts, ip number, mac addr from the dhcpd.conf file


(No options. None. Don't even try.)